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My experience should shown risk and options on stock market

When i started investing on the stock market i sign on a stock market challenge.
Here i watch a lot of Webinars and learn a lot. What i also learned is that you can only achieve a high ranking in that challenge when you dealing with stock warrants/derivative.

After a week it was to boring to deal with play money so i decided to open a depot.
My first trade was Infineon a German Chip company but it was again boring to wait the whole time that the share price grow.

So i decide to deal with stock warrants and "bet" on rising or falling courses, before i can buy such shares i must sign an instruction that i can loose all my invested money and send it back to my bank.

Done and started. 
Bought some papers which bet on a rising DAX one hour before Yellen lower the yield. 
Bäääm 1000€ in one Hour amazing no waiting when the DAX rise 10 Points the stock warrant goes up 100 Points.
I thought yes thats the way every one telling stories to make money on the stock market.

But you also can lose the same amount in one hour ;-) i tried it several times and also lost 1000€ in one hour that hurts a lot.
So in the end i have loss and win approximately the same amount and that was a big luck.

In the Meantime my Infineon Shares grown slowly but continuously to plus 15% and they pay me a dividend.

So in this Months i learned that you need time on the stock market and stay invested when others run away.
Thats the best experience i made so i look how to distribute the risk for my depot and lower the cost.
The outcome was to buy ETF here you have a lot of opportunities to invest in more than one company at the same time.
For example the MSCI World here are 1600 company's inside i pay no issue fee and a yearly charge of 0,2%, in the past the MSCI World makes over 15 Years 7% growth/per year.

So i have different saving plans

- My company the pay 40€ per month in a MSCI World ETF for me
- My own here i pay 1000€ per month in a MSCI World ETF

- My own here i pay 400€ per month in a MSCI All World ETF 
- My own here i pay 250€ per month in a STOXX Europe 600
My own here i pay 100€ per month in a MSCI India 
(stoped to bad performance compared to the MSCI All World)

With a Saving Plan its the easiest way to invest, you buy in bad market times more shares and in good times less but the rest of your shares grows in the meantime so in the average you have a good result.

Below you see the Shares from my depot.
I have two ETFs which pay me some dividends i bought them every time the market Crashs its a small risk but i think i need also a bit adventure on the stock market ;)

Sometimes you have to be strong not to sell everything and stay invested when the market fall and course fall down.
In the worst time my depot was 15% in minus but i stayed and bought my saving plans automatically so now i am 20% in plus and approx 10% p.a..
You need a lot of time and the money which isinvested must be free for minimum 10 years!


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