Update Depot 2019 / Asset management company

Interesting year for the stock market a lot of uncertainties caused for example by the US chinese trade war and also the Brexit.
I followed my saving plans during the complete year and bought some extra stocks end of 2018 during the market drop.
I added my employer saving plan and the depot which is located in Singapur.

Right now the saving plans are running very nice and the anual return is close 10% and the total profit hits 10k€.

At the moment mainly i try to figure out if its worth to fund a asset management company for tax reasons and easier handling for foreigner depots.
Right now i think the management cost for the company is to high and the advantage to less for the amount in the Depot.

Did any one have experience with German asset management company rules?

So you see another boring year no high potential stocks with an increase of 300% but a steady stabil growth.
I am totally convinced that stock picking is a lottery without having very deep knowledge about the special markets and company inside know how.
Best choice is a low cost index fond in my case MSCI World.

Best comment from Waren Buffet to that.

“Beware the investment activity that produces applause; the great moves are usually greeted by yawns.” – Warren Buffett


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