Update saving plans

I have made some changes in the saving plans.
When you compare the performance from my Lyx Euro stoxx 600 and MSCI World there is a difference from 3% in one year.
So i decided to buy a new ETF MSCI World All Country here the emerging markets are included.
We will se if the performance here is more convincing.

I also bought some stocks in the dip last year in december which pays off now.
Its always hard to buy, an see its dropping down more but usually the market always turn back after a while.

Now the anual return is by approx. 7% since 2015 which is great and proofs the long term passive ETF strategy and buy the dip is working.

I only have to be used to learn to stay relaxed whe the stock portfolio is wanking about 1000€ a day down or up.

All updates new buys and acutal worth of the stock portfolio can be watched in the Live updating Google Sheet its under the Investment tab.


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